Thursday, July 3, 2014

(Northern) California Dreaming

Sonoma Coastal View
Russian River and Highway 1 Overpass

Stone and Jake got engaged 35 years ago in San Francisco, so when the chance came up to visit this seminal (so to speak!) part of the country it was impossible to pass up. Their trip to the best of the West Coast would center on a three-day family event based out of Guerneville, California, a small town of pleasure, wine and fun on the Russian River in Sonoma County. But before and after the family event, they had plans to see an old Army pal in St. Helena, soak up some California mist and coastal views around Bodega Bay, and spend their last night in the city where their life together came together.

The Head at Bodega Bay

Majestic Window View
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 --  Maybe the best $79 (each) they spent all trip was on the extra leg room for the six hour United flight to San Francisco.  Compared to other long plane rides this was a breeze. And the skies were so clear for so much of the flight that they were able to marvel again at the size of America and the geological wonders it holds. Jake felt especially mystical flying over the Rocky Mountains, and though he tried to see his home town of Boulder, Colorado, it escaped his earnest vision. Still, the majesty of these snow-topped peaks was inspirational. (In fact, "purple mountain majesties" refers to the Rockies.)

The car rental went well, as did exiting the airport(!), and soon they were driving northward on 19th Avenue in the Sunset District of San Francisco, then through Golden Gate Park, then through the Presidio, and then, with a seeming visual Bang! -- The Bridge appeared. To drive over the Golden Gate Bridge on a clear day is not unlike seeing the Rockies from on high. "Wow" doesn't do either one justice.

Stone at Sunflower Caffe
The town of Sonoma proved to be a great first stop. Lunch at the Sunflower Caffe was enjoyed on the chatty yet somehow serene rear patio, where on a typically sunny day the shade felt typically cool, and the two glasses of wine (a Sauvignon Blanc and a Rosé de Pinot Noir, both from the local Chaname Winery) tasted typically great. Sonoma Plaza (a link to the town's Mexican past) anchors an immediate area that bristles with shops and eating places. And Jake and Stone did both, buying a much-needed quilt at Summervine, and a sort-of-needed java and pastry at the Basque Cafe Boulangerie.

The drive from Sonoma to St. Helena seems rather easy on the map, and the shortcut of Trinity Road looks inviting -- on the map! In reality, Trinity Road is a harrowing/fun experience not for the faint of heart. Jake grew up in Colorado driving many a twisting trail in the foothills of the Rockies, but this thin ribbon of seriously-up and then seriously-down asphalt, with never the hint of a shoulder, was like nothing he had ever experienced. Rarely was it possible to see more than 150 yards ahead before the next turn, and on-coming traffic was often apparent thrill-seekers in sports cars. For a taste of things see this video, aptly titled: Trinity Road in my Miata, scaring my girlfriend.

B&B Front Door View
Having survived, our couple checked into Judy's B&B in St. Helena. The entire B&B consists of a single large, if somewhat dark room, with a convenient private entrance that looks out onto a vineyard, an adequate bathroom (shower, no tub) and a comfortable queen bed. Though the breakfast on both of their mornings at Judy's was the same -- French toast, bacon, eggs and coffee -- it was tasty and conveniently served in their room. 

Judy is a charming proprietress of senior status, whose life goes back long enough that she has personal mementos from Red Skelton when he used to play to the tourist crowds in Reno, Nevada -- years before Las Vegas became Las Vegas. St. Helena is a small town, so it was of little surprise that she remembered Jake's old Army friend when he was but a boy playing in the neighborhood and occasionally helping out with the fledgling family winery.

Expensive Drinks but a Free View
That first late afternoon Jake and Stone took an easy ten minute ride to the  Augerge Bistro & Bar in Rutherford. Here they shared two reasonably priced apps of spinach and shrimp, and two not-so-reasonably priced cocktails ($17 and $19). The food was quite nice. However, the drinks lacked punch (a polite way of saying they seemed light on the alcohol component). But the bistro fare was secondary to the wide and wonderful patio view, which is what draws most folks to the bistro, and is as fine a vista as any in Napa.

From their perch on the railing they got in touch with their inner ornithologists and spotted several odd looking small woodpeckers they had never seen in Jersey. Later Googling revealed that these birds were Acorn Woodpeckers, who are notable for living in large groups, hoarding acorns (often by the hundreds) in holes they make in trees, and the fact that they "cooperate in their breeding." (The ornithologists' polite wording here should be noted by rogue Mormons seeking societal approval of their breeding.)

Dinner that first night in St. Helena was at Tra Vigne. This long-established Napa Valley restaurant boasts a gracious building and a large patio that provide a sort of Tuscany-in-California vibe that is reflected in its food. Jake and Stone enjoyed their mussels, salad, seafood fritto misto (Italian: "mixed fried"), panna cotta and wine. But the most enjoyable part of the meal was the patio and the Napa early evening air, with its hints of cool slowly replacing the warmth of the day.

Thursday, June 19, 2014 -- This was the day Jake and his Army Pal had scheduled to get together for the first time in 35 years. There is a bond among those who serve in the Army during a war. This is true even if that war is "undeclared." It is true even if that service is rendered, not in bunkers, but in the windowed offices of  Army Headquarters in Long Binh, Vietnam. It is true even if the bi-weekly guard duty on the Long Binh perimeter line requires "grenade juggling" (not as dangerous as it sounds, and quite hilarious the first time one sees it) to pass the boring nighttime hours. It is true even if the closest one comes to death is riding in a jeep driven by some Army hophead on the way to the pleasures of the city once termed the "Pearl of the Orient," but in those war years simply called Saigon, and now on the world's maps Ho Chi Minh City.

Long Ago in Long Binh
Jake's Army Pal (who, like all individuals mentioned in this blog, will  be given the semi-privacy of a "blog-onymn") was a most memorable guy. He burst onto the HQ scene by mistyping a transportation order. The result was that General William J. McCaffrey, who was nothing less than the Deputy Commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, instead of being on his way to meet his wife for a week in Hong Kong, was "marooned" in Bangkok for "a full 24 hours!!" Army Pal was threatened with everything from tour-long KP duty to guard duty on the DMZ, but he somehow survived the storm.

(It should be noted that the brouhaha in our HQ office that day was generated not by the general himself, who reportedly found a bit of humor in this bureaucratic contretemps, but by his many underlings. Perhaps the general's professional equanimity helps explain why his son General Barry McCaffrey has had a career, including his current duties as military analyst for NBC, even more distinguished than his famous father's.)

The loud laughter at Army Pal's mistake soon turned to quiet awe, however, when several months later the female lead singer of a USO-sponsored rock band from Canada invited him to spend the night with her in Saigon. Such a liaison-in-Saigon gave him legendary status within the "hootch" (barracks) and beyond. And finally, and most memorably for Jake, during their shared R&R week in Sydney, Jake and another GI were happy to play wingmen to Army Pal's somehow finding three young Aussie women to accompany us during our week in Australia.  

The fledgling winery that their B&B hostess Judy had remembered being a family business when Army Pal was but a boy playing about the neighborhood, has now become, due largely to  the work of Army Pal and his older brother, nothing less than one of the top five wine producers in the world. It is likely most readers of this blog have tasted one of their wines --  likely a Sutter Home zinfandel or more likely, Sutter Home's white zinfandel.

It is the white zin which, some three decades ago, not only put Sutter Home on the map, but thanks to Army Pal's sending Jake and Stone about five or six cases of it in 1980 for their wedding, put that happy event on the map as well. (Being ever resourceful,  the cases were labeled "vinegar" so he could mail them to New York.)

The Napa Valley Country Club
Tee with a View at the NVCC
Army Pal and Jake had a wonderful day together. First was an early morning round of golf at the gorgeous Napa Valley Country Club followed by lunch in the clubhouse. Later in the day Stone joined them for an inside look at the massive operations of Sutter Home (and the more high-end Trinchero winery), where it was not unusual to see Army Pal greet many employees by name. He even got a hug from a woman on the massive bottle-filing assembly line. Little wonder Army Pal and his family-held business have been such successes.

Army Pal picked up the tab for dinner that night as well. He brought along a special bottle of zinfandel to the Archetype restaurant in St. Helena. Perhaps it was the conversation about our children (his three boys, our one girl), or the convivial presence of Army Pal's ex-wife who joined us, or the wine, or the food (warm sugar snap peas, Alaskan halibut, Niman Ranch lamb, meyer lemon meringue pie), or all the above. Whatever the reason(s), it proved to be this trip's best food and our couple's favorite dinner.

Friday, June 20, 2014 -  On the way from St. Helena to Guerneville, CA ( which was HQ for the upcoming weekend family event), Jake and Stone stopped at the 5,500 acre Annadel State Park outside Santa Rosa for a hike. The summer temps in this part of Sonoma County range from around 50 at night to about 90 during the afternoon. Luckily, our duo arrived early enough to enjoy the coolish morning. And they needed the cool as their hike on Steve's S Trail was short but strenuous, climbing 489 feet in less than a mile.

The Patio at Corks
They had hoped that lunch at Corks Restaurant at Russian River Vineyards (Forestville, CA) would be a proper reward for their early-morning alpine efforts, and it was that, and more. This proved to be their favorite lunch, with food and drink so good it deserves listing: salad of local greens, grilled Castroville artichoke, Bodega Bay fish and chips, dried cherry quinoa; a chardonnay and a sauvignon blanc, and (with the fish and chips) a Scrimshaw brewski. All of this was enjoyed on a large patio with dappled sunshine and servers happy in their work.

After lunch the road towards Guerneville proved to be another twisty drive through hilly and forested terrain, but with a new twist -- a peacock! The peacock took its merry time leaving the road, then paraded proudly on the side of the road, its home certainly somewhere nearby.

Jake Among the Redwoods
Just outside Guerneville, right on California Route 116, is Northwood Golf Club, one of America's best 9-hole public golf courses and ranked  #10 by Golf Digest. It dates from 1928, was designed by Alistair MacKenzie while he was out on the coast designing fabled Cypress Point, and plays through canyons of mighty redwood trees. When Jake played on this Friday afternoon, with Stone riding non-playing shotgun in the cart, the course was crowded with tourists and family golfers. But it was still an absolute joy and (despite houses on the course's edges) is highly recommended. Best to go early in the day.

That evening Jake and Stone checked into their Guerneville lodging and looked forward to the family event that was to occupy that night and the next two days. The event celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary of a couple who have made friends from Paris to Houston, and it was no surprise that so many of them made the trip to California. There is no need here to chronicle the private three days in any detail, suffice it to say they included: a tour and luncheon pig roast at the Michel Schumberger winery, a gourmet pizza dinner amid the redwoods at Simi Winery, a visit to a remarkable garden, shopping in Healdsburg, CA, and on the final night, an exclusive after-hours dinner and dancing at the Francis Ford Coppola Winery Pavilion.

Monday, June 23, 2014 -- Jake and Stone had been joined on the Northwood golf course the previous Friday afternoon by a local young man who, upon hearing that Jake wanted to play "that new links course in Bodega Bay," said he knew some people at the course. As we finished the round, the young man texted his contacts (you know these young folks hate to use the phone to make a phone call) and informed Jake that he was scheduled for a  discounted tee time at 10:30 on Monday morning.

"Harbour" View at Bodega Bay
For Jake (with Stone once again in the cart as COCM -- Chief Officer in Charge of Morale), The Links at Bodega Harbour (the "u" hints at its aspirations to be a "golf getaway") played more difficult than its ratings and slope would make one think. On the positive side, No. 18 is a memorable closing hole, and the course overall not only has some stunning seaside views, but also a true links feel with deep bunkers, uneven lies, some blind shots, and challenging/fun greens. On the negative side, it is a course that is almost impossible to walk -- the first several uphill holes would wear out all but the most hardy, much of the course has surrounding housing, and Jake had the suspicion now and then that the links-feel has been sometimes more invented than found. Its layout is most likely subject to morning fog delays and certainly subject to strong winds -- which Jake and Stone experienced first-hand on this Monday morning. Still, if you are a dedicated golfer and in the Bodega Bay area, it is certainly worth it -- even at full price.

The drive from Guerneville to the Bodega Bay golf course via California Highway 1 is famous for its views of
the rugged grandeur of the coastline, but the early Monday morning fog had hidden many of the views. So that afternoon after driving a bit around Bodega Bay, Jake and Stone drove back northward -- enjoying the views all the way -- towards the coastal town of Jenner, where they made dinner reservations for Tuesday night  at Rivers End Restaurant.
Morning Fog on Highway 1

Checking into the Bodega Bay Inn (a family run place) they found their room (#3) to be better than the inn's setting, which was between Highway 1 and a small strip mall. But the room was large, with Wi-Fi that was fast, and a comfortable king bed. The proximity to the strip mall did have two advantages -- Roadhouse Coffee (where they found out they would get the included breakfast that came with their staying at the inn) and one of the best restaurants in town -- Terrapin Creek.

Dinner that night was at Drake's Fireside Lounge, an informal bistro room at the posh Bodega Bay Lodge. Featuring an expansive water view of the lowlands of Bodega Harbor, Drake's three-cheese plate (cow, goat and sheep), "fog soup," fettuccine/halibut and seafood platter were all delicious, as were the martinis and wine. Not inexpensive, Drake's made for a lovely end to a lovely day. 

Stone on the Pool Ridge Trail
Tuesday, June 24, 2014 -- If there is anything that can match the breathtaking coastal views of this part of northern California, it is the breathtaking walks through old-growth redwood trees. Armstrong Woods State Natural Preserve gave our duo a chance to "walk among the giants." To realize that several of these trees are  300+ feet tall and 1300+ years old only adds to the wonder of it all. Jake and Stone followed the easy, much-traveled Pioneer Nature Trail, then the Pool Ridge Trail, which was not easy and not much-traveled, but oh so worth the effort when they reached the top of the trail (about 500 feet uphill) and started to descend among the cooling breezes and butterflies.

On their way to Armstrong, Jake and Stone had stopped in the little town of Duncan Mills at the Gold Coast Coffee and Bakery where they enjoyed pastries and coffee on the bird-friendly back patio. On the way back they stopped again in Duncan Mills for lunch at the Cape Fear Cafe. At the height of lunch hour the one-chef kitchen was overwhelmed and it took a while to get their lunch of Thai pasta and shrimp (with a nice Rodney Strong Sauvignon blanc), burger and fries (with a nice Great White beer form Lost Coast Brewery) to arrive, but like the back side of their earlier hike, it was worth it. To walk off the lunch, Stone did some shopping while Jake walked shotgun through a couple of nice local stores.

No trip to Bodega Bay is complete without a visit to Bodega Bay Head, a promontory that offers maybe the most dramatic coastal views in Sonoma County. That afternoon the strong winds had the surf up and the many birds hanging magically in mid-air. On that afternoon, the Head was both majestic and wild.

Heading back into town proper, Stone's phone got an email from Rivers End Restaurant saying a road closure had forced them to cancel dinners for that evening. Disappointed, but sure of other places almost as good, Jake and Stone headed for the aforementioned Terrapin Creek. Closed on Tuesdays, said the sign. Well, the Blue Bistro out by the links course had looked nice. Closes on Mon-Wed at 5pm, said the sign. No problem. To the Tides Wharf Restaurant. The large dining room doesn't look real appealing and seems dominated by a post-wedding crowd. Fisherman's Cove, down by the harbor?  They drive by. No need for a closed sign. Not a car in the parking lot. So how about that big place off Highway 1? Lucas Wharf Restaurant and Bar. Open says the sign.

Out the Window at Lucas Wharf
By this time on a Tuesday night in Bodega Bay, Jake and Stone are quickly offered a water-view window, featuring nearby pelicans and distant windsurfers. Also, it being Tuesday, bottles of wine are half-priced. Good old Tuesday.... The Lucas clam chowder was disappointing in the way that many chowders are disappointing (too many potatoes, not enough clams), but the main entrées of rockfish and  petrale sol (think not sol but flounder) were very nice, and the bottle of Dry Creek sauvignon blanc was a good deal at $14, and was paper-bag wrapped to go out the door. All's well that ends well.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 -- The "breakfast" that comes with a room at the Bodega Bay Inn is actually pastry and coffee at the across-the-parking-lot Roadhouse Coffee. Both yesterday and today our couple had to do without the pastries, but the coffee was good and the scene colorfully local (as might guessed from their "home page.")

Somehow Jake and Stone strayed from their Highway 1 route south toward San Francisco and ended up seeing much of Petaluma, which was a nice enough town, but.... Back on famous 1, they enjoyed the ride through Point Reyes National Seashore (here, 1 is actually two miles from the seashore but still fun to drive), especially liked the many shorebirds along the Bolinas Lagoon, and then were exhilarated by the headland views of Stinson Beach. The exhilaration continued as 1 became a twisty trip through the dramatic hillsides of Marin County until it joined Highway 101 just above Sausalito.

Stone with the Cliff House in the distance
Looks good in fog
Driving across the Golden Gate Bridge is wonderful on a clear day, but just as inspiring (and perhaps more iconic) in the fog. After the bridge it was easy enough to get to the Columbus Motor Inn in the North Beach section of San Francisco. Here the staff could not have been more accommodating, helping Jake and Stone get the bus (right outside the hotel) to AT&T Park where they saw an afternoon baseball game between the Giants and the Padres, followed that evening by a final dinner at Sutro's in the fabled Cliff House.

Teammates rushing the mound after Lincecum's no-hitter

Oh, and BTW, that Wednesday afternoon Tim Lincecum threw a no-hitter!

Thirty-five years ago, their last day in San Francisco had ended with Jake and Stone's engagement. This time with an a no-hitter. Both happen once in a lifetime -- if you're lucky. And they are.